Mujibnagar populist games since ancient times. Every year there are various tournaments held. Although there is currently dominance of cricket and soccer in popular games, other games are not behind. The Dariapur Football Team, the Baguoyan Football Team, is still visible as a heritage witness.
People in the area organize different types of competitions at different times.
This region is popular among other sports like Kabadi, Hadudu, Khokha, Volleyball, Badminton, and various rural traditional sports.
There are several playgrounds in Mujibnagar upazila. Among these, the playground of Mujibnagar memorial complex playground.
People of Mujibnagar upazila are favorite entertainment. Baul songs, Jatropala, Nasiman, Kavigan etc. are still organized in the locality of rural Bengal.
Dariyapur and Shibpur's drama teams have earned fame in the entertainment world.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS